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Back Pain You Shouldn’t Ignore

The assumption that “pain is your body’s way of letting you know that something is wrong” is more than a cliché doctors preach to their patients. It is important to pay attention to persistent pain, especially when it comes to your spine.

Lower Back Pain

The following types of pain are generally located in the lower lumbar spine and may require additional treatment from a surgeon or spine specialist:

  1. Acute back pain – Intense pain which lasts for a short period of time
  2. Chronic back pain – Pain of various intensities which returns consistently
  3. Coccydynia – Pain located in the tailbone
  4. Sciatica – Pain originating in the back which runs down the leg

Spine Compression

Symptoms of degenerative spinal conditions tend to slowly intensify over time. Pain can also be sudden if related to an incident such as a sudden impact or hard hit to the spine. Possible spinal cord compression symptoms not to ignore include:

  1. Burning pain
  2. Foot suddenly becomes limp
  3. Numbness and cramping in the legs, arms, and hands
  4. Pain and stiffness
  5. Pain not alleviated at night
  6. Any of these complaints associated with a fever and/or chills

Emergency Room Required

If you or a loved one experience any of the following symptoms, it is important to get to an emergency room immediately:

  1. Increasing numbness between inner thighs and back of the legs, known as saddle anesthesia
  2. Loss of bladder or bowel control
  3. Significant pain spreading to both legs

Possible Conditions

These neck or back pain symptoms can be indicative of any number of spinal conditions.  Treatment options include conservative care, such as pain management and chiropractic care to surgical intervention such as minimally invasive spine surgery. Possible corresponding conditions to these symptoms include:

  1. Discogenic back pain (may result in a herniated disc)
  2. Spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal column)
  3. Lumbar spinal arthritis (affects small joints in the back)
  4. Osteoporosis (usually resulting in compression fractures)

If you are experiencing any of these back pain symptoms, contact SonoSpine® today and schedule a free MRI review to speak with our Clinical Team.

By clicking the button, you will leave the sonospinesurgery.com website and will be redirected to upload your MRI to our provider.

Our Practitioners’ MRI review is an informational review of the MRI images and/or report that you provide to us. , This is not a form of diagnosis, treatment, correction, prevention or medical care. As such, the Practitioner’s MRI review should not be used as a determinant factor in any person’s physical or other health care, health treatment or health maintenance. No information provided by or through the Practitioner’s MRI review should ever be considered a substitute for any professional health care services, and you should consult with one or more appropriately licensed, registered and certified physicians, surgeons or other health care professionals for the same. In arranging for a Practitioner to provide an MRI review, neither Sonospine® nor that Practitioner assumes any responsibility whatsoever, nor shall Sonospine® or such Practitioner in any event or under any circumstances be liable in relation to your decision concerning your health care, health treatment or health maintenance, including without limitation any actions that you choose to take as a result of the Practitioner’s MRI review. A diagnosis and a final determination of whether you may benefit from treatment at Sonospine® can only be made after you have been physically examined in person by one of our Practitioners.