Eisenhower fellow visits SonoSpine®
Forest, Virginia October 14, 2016 Eisenhower Fellow, Dr. Teddy Totimeh, visited SonoSpine, LLC this week to investigate the company’s advances in minimally invasive spine surgery. The Eisenhower Fellowship program was established in 1953 to celebrate president Dwight D. Eisenhower’s first birthday in the White House. A private, non-profit, non-partisan organization, the foundation is a highly selective, global leadership exchange program. During his stay in the United States, Dr. Totimeh will meet with government and industry leaders to discuss his fellowship, goals, and plans to transform neurosurgical care in Ghana.
Dr. Totimeh’s vision is to open a privately owned acute care center to enhance Ghana’s response to severe infectious disease and disaster, as well as significantly reduce the country’s very high mortality rates from trauma. Totimeh’s vision includes bringing the most advanced spine care available to Ghana. Utilizing SonoSpine’s global resources, innovative technology, and commitment to philanthropy, Totimeh and SonoSpine’s Founder and Surgeon-in-Chief, Dr. Dilan Ellegala, discussed opportunities for collaboration.
While Senior Fellow at the University of Virginia, Dr. Ellegala got to know Dr. Totimeh – then a medical student – and had this to say about him: “Dr. Totimeh’s entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to advancing health care in Ghana will serve him well as he endeavors to realign access to quality acute care in Ghana. I welcome the opportunity to share my experiences with Madaktari Africa, a non-profit program designed to invest in the infrastructure of Tanzanian healthcare through a Train-it-Forward Model. Prospects for SonoSpine supporting Dr. Totimeh in Ghana reinforce SonoSpine’s commitment to advancing spine surgery through technological innovation, compassionate patient care, and superior outcomes.”
For more information on SonoSpine’s revolutionary ultrasonic spine surgery visit www.sonospinesurgery.com. To learn about Dr. Ellegala’s inspiring story of pioneering change in Tanzanian healthcare, read Send Forth the Healing Sun, by Tony Bartleme available on Amazon.com and visit www.madaktari.org
About SonoSpine, LLC
Headquartered in Forest, Virginia SonoSpine is a global neurosurgical practice specializing in advancing patient care through innovative ultrasonic technologies. In collaboration with Misonix, a leader in the development of ultrasonic surgical devices, SonoSpine brings revolutionary ultrasonic tools and techniques to the field of minimally invasive spine surgery. SonoSpine is committed to continued research, innovation, and advancement of ultrasonic technology to drive improved patient outcomes.